About Dr. Whitaker

As an I/O Psychologist, Dr. Whitaker applies a competency-based, multicultural, and ethical approach to consultation of I/O psychology principles in the workplace through data-driven management objectives. He consults on and develop research methodology and design plans and assessment instruments (e.g., exams, surveys, scales, tests, and questionnaires) in compliance with ethical codes and legal standards for systematic study and analysis to draw practical conclusions. Also, he provides expert witness testimony on sexual harassment and discrimination allegations, and conduct and consult on investigating such allegations.

Dr. Whitaker conducts ongoing psychological research to identify, promote, and advance the acquisition of concepts and knowledge that can equip individuals and organizations with the means to achieve wellness in the psychological, behavioral, and interpersonal areas of their lives. His personal research interest lies at the interconnections of I/O psychology and technology and the psychological effects of technology at work, light triad personality and dark triad personality–the dark side of leadership, emotional intelligence, and psychological safety.

“The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing. A gentle and reasonable being can be transformed into a maniac or a savage beast. One is always inclined to lay the blame on external circumstances, but nothing could explode in us if it had not been there. As a matter of fact, we are constantly living on the edge of a volcano, and there is, so far as we know, no way of protecting ourselves from a possible outburst that will destroy everybody within reach. It is certainly a good thing to preach reason and common sense, but what if you have a lunatic asylum for an audience or a crowd in a collective frenzy? There is not much difference between them because the madman and the mob are both moved by impersonal, overwhelming forces.”

— Carl Jung